Tribute to Papa

Created by Chiedu 6 years ago
From youth, my siblings and I remember you for having such a big heart and open mind. I recall school holiday breaks which involved travelling to Ibadan to spend time with you and Mama. We were pampered beyond belief to the point of wishing to stay over even when it was time to return to school.
I recall occasion when you came to visit us in Lagos and would squeeze some money into our hands: yours and mama’s visits were causes for excitement.
Your life experiences were intriguing stories to us, growing up and we really enjoyed the amazing bedtime folktales you told us almost every evening. To be honest, I still remember some of the songs from some of those folktales.
When I told you of my wedding, you were overjoyed and celebrated with me. The most valuable lessons I learned include your encouragement to acknowledge and thank God after every meal & the history of the family lineage.
It has been a pleasure knowing you, Papa.